Chip Industry Week In Review

JEDEC and the Open Compute Project rolled out a new set of guidelines for standardizing chiplet characterization details, such as thermal properties, physical and mechanical requirements, and behavior specs. Those details have been a sticking point for commercial chiplets, because without them it's not possible to choose the best chiplet for a particular application or workload. The guidelines ... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

By Susan Rambo, Karen Heyman, and Liz Allan The Biden-Harris administration designated 31 Tech Hubs across the U.S. this week, focused on industries including autonomous systems, quantum computing, biotechnology, precision medicine, clean energy advancement, and semiconductor manufacturing. The Department of Commerce (DOC) also launched its second Tech Hubs Notice of Funding Opportunity. ... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Keysight Technologies said it intends to acquire ESI Group for €913 million (~$998.6 million). ESI Group provides virtual prototyping solutions for the automotive and aerospace end markets that can create real-time digital twins to simulate a product's behavior during testing and real-life use. MLCommons announced the latest results from two MLPerf benchmark suites. One aims to measure the... » read more

Startup Funding: November 2022

November was a month for mega-rounds, with ten companies receiving investments of at least $100 million. One of those is a startup providing connectivity solutions for data centers and enabling use of the memory pooling functionality in the latest update to the CXL standard. Two quantum computer startups were part of the $100M+ club this month — one using very cold atoms to take on not only q... » read more