Panel Tackles Chiplet Packaging Challenges

QP Technologies recently exhibited at the first Chiplet Summit, held January 24-26 in San Jose, California. Dick Otte, CEO of our parent company Promex Industries, participated on a panel titled “Best Packaging for Chiplets Today.” Moderated by Nobuki Islam with JCET Group, the packaging panel also included Daniel Lambalot, Alphawave Semi; Laura Mirkarimi, Adeia; Syrus Ziai, Eliyan; and Mik... » read more

Is UCIe Really Universal?

Chiplets are rapidly becoming the means to overcome the slowing of Moore's Law, but whether one interface is capable of joining them all together isn't clear yet. The Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) believes it will work, but some in the industry remain unconvinced. At least part of the problem is that interconnect standards are never truly finished. Even today, the protocols tha... » read more

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