Hardware Trojan Inserted Inside A RISC-V Based Automotive Telematics Control Unit

A new technical paper titled "On the Feasibility of Remotely Triggered Automotive Hardware Trojans" was written by researchers at Georgia Tech. "In this paper, we discuss how Hardware Trojans can act as the physical access intermediates to allow the remote triggering of malicious payloads embedded in ECUs, through seemingly benign wireless communication. We demonstrate a proof of concept ECU... » read more

Joint R&D Has Its Ups And Downs

As corporate spending on research and development dwindles, enterprises are reaching out to colleges and universities to supplement their R&D. And they often are finding eager partners in those endeavors, as professors and their graduate students look for help, financial and technical, in addressing long-term research projects. “Pure research is just a luxury no one can afford anymore,... » read more