HBM3E Memory: Break Through to Greater Bandwidth

Delivering unrivaled memory bandwidth in a compact, high-capacity footprint, has made HBM the memory of choice for AI training. HBM3 is the third major generation of the HBM standard, with HBM3E offering an extended data rate and the same feature set. The Rambus HBM3E/3 Controller provides industry-leading performance to 9.6 Gb/s, enabling a memory throughput of over 1.23 TB/s for training reco... » read more

HBM3E And GDDR6: Memory Solutions For AI

AI/ML changes everything, impacting every industry and touching the lives of everyone. With AI training sets growing at a pace of 10X per year, memory bandwidth is a critical area of focus as we move into the next era of computing and enable this continued growth. AI training and inference have unique feature requirements that can be served by tailored memory solutions. Learn how HBM3E and G... » read more