HDMI 2.1 For A More Immersive Viewing Experience

With the advent of richer television and gaming content, consumers’ expectations have gone from ultra-high-resolution 4K displays to 10K with finer image details, more color gamut, and higher bandwidth. To deliver premium content to digital televisions and trending HDMI-based mobile devices, the HDMI Forum recently announced the HDMI specification, version 2.1. The re-architected HDMI 2.1 off... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

Tools Imperas debuted its RISC-V Processor Developer Suite, a set of models, a software simulator, and tools to validate, verify, and provide early estimation of timing performance and power consumption for RISC-V processors. IP Minima Processor revealed its dynamic-margining subsystem IP for near-threshold voltage design. The startup's hardware and software IP works with a CPU or DSP proc... » read more