How Chips Will Change Health Care

Jo De Boeck, chief strategy officer and executive vice president at imec, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about the intersection of medical and semiconductor technology, what's changing in how chips are being used, and what will happen in the short term and long-term. What follows are excerpts of that discussion. SE: Medical technology never advanced at the rate everybody... » read more

Organ-on-Chip Systems Enable Personalized Medicine

Healthcare has traditionally focused on one-size fits-all medication to treat populations instead of tailoring treatments to individual patients. Recent advances in stem cell technology allow researchers to create disease models for personalized medicine. SEMI spoke with Thomas Pauwelyn, Postdoctoral Researcher at imec, about trends in medical technology innovation such as organ-on-chip devices... » read more

AI Today, AI Tomorrow

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the most talked-about technology of our time. But AI’s present and future means many things to many people. We commissioned this survey, with the help of Northstar Research Partners, to gain insight into what consumers think about AI’s usefulness today and its promise for tomorrow. What we discovered was astonishing. To read more, click here. » read more

The Role Of Energy-Efficient Circuits In Wearable Healthcare Applications

As beneficial as they are, health monitors for conditions like high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and epilepsy can be uncomfortable and inconvenient due to all of their protruding wires. This opens up an opportunity for designers of wearable healthcare applications. “Wearable electronics are needed for proactive healthcare,” said Dr. Jerald Yoo, an associate professor in the Department of ... » read more