Week In Review: Design, Low Power

DAC and SEMICON WEST rebounded this year, focusing on everything from security to chiplets and smart manufacturing. Panel at DAC conference: Left to right, ARM’s Brian Fuller (moderator), Joe Costello (Metrics, Kwikbit, Arrikto, Acromove), and Wally Rhines (Cornami). Source: Semiconductor Engineering/Ann Mutschler EDA and IP remain strong, approaching $4 billion in Q1, according to ... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Public USB phone charging stations are now another vector that bad actors can use to plant malware and steal data on devices — known as "juice jacking," according to the United States’ Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC is encouraging people to stay away from these public charging stations, found in airports and hotels, because of bad actors can install malware on the charging... » read more