Chip Industry Technical Paper Roundup: Nov. 25

New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library: [table id=386 /] » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

SK hynix started mass production of 1-terabit  321-high NAND, with availability scheduled for the first half of next year. Rapidus will receive an additional ¥200 billion yen ($1.28B) from the Japanese government beginning in fiscal year 2025, reports Nikkei. This is on top of ¥920 billion yen ($5.98B) Rapidus has already received from the government in support of its goal to reach commer... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

CSIS issued a new report that says Intel is "not too big to fail, but too good to lose." The report noted that Intel is needed for national security, and that it must be viewed in a geopolitical context rather than from a purely business standpoint when it comes to funding the company. Japan's government is creating a 10 trillion yen (~$65 billion) fund for next-gen technologies, including A... » read more

High-Temperature Processing of Molybdenum Interconnects

A technical paper titled "Solving the Annealing of Mo Interconnects for Next-Gen Integrated Circuits" was published by researchers at the National University of Singapore, A*STAR, and imec. Abstract "Recent surge in demand for computational power combined with strict constraints on energy consumption requires persistent increase in the density of transistors and memory cells in integrated ... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

Analog Devices acquired Flex Logix's technology assets, along with its technical team. Semiconductor global sales increased 23% in Q3 2024 $166B, up almost 11% versus the same period in 2023, according to SIA. Notable regional year-to-year sales in September: Americas up 46%, China up 23%, Europe down 8%. Fig.1: Worldwide Semiconductor Revenues, year-to-year % change. Source: Semiconduc... » read more

Chip Industry Technical Paper Roundup: Nov. 5

New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library: [table id=378 /]   Further Reading Chip Industry Week In Review Silicon Valley design center and NY EUV Accelerator; Siemens’ big acquisition; Onto extends panel inspection with two acquisitions; DENSO-Quadric deal; thinner Si-based power wafer; $100M funding for AI; trade wars escalate; earnings rep... » read more

EMEA Investments Driving Technology Specialization

Government programs across Europe and the UK are seeing a surge of investments in leading edge technology, materials, and packaging. Industry and academia are coalescing around specialty areas, drawing on established relationships to foster innovation and fill gaps in regional supply chains while also maintaining international bonds. Government initiatives also are picking up in Israel, Saudi A... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

Siemens announced plans to acquire Altair Engineering, a provider of industrial simulation and analysis, data science, and high-performance computing (HPC) software, for about $10 billion. Altair's software will become part of Siemens' Xcelerator portfolio and provide a boost to physics-based digital twins. Onto Innovation bought Lumina Instruments, a San Jose, California-based maker of lase... » read more

2D Semiconductors Make Progress, But So Does Silicon

Semiconductor industry researchers have been anticipating the need for better transistor channel materials to replace silicon for a long time, but silicon devices have continued to improve enough to postpone that change. Silicon continues to provide an unmatched combination of device performance, manufacturability, and cost effectiveness. In recent years, though, the “end of silicon” cha... » read more

The Impact of Magnetic Fields On STT-MRAM Operations

A technical paper titled "Impact of external magnetic fields on STT-MRAM" was recently published by researchers at Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Everspin, GlobalFoundries, imec, et al. Abstract "This application note discusses the working principle of spin-transfer torque magnetoresistive random access memory (STT-MRAM) and the impact that magnetic fields can have on STT-MRAM operation. Sources of... » read more

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