Will We Ever Have Just One Remote Control?

The concept of home automation powered by a single remote control has been discussed for decades — at least since the first airing of the Jetsons in 1962. And the tech world has been working fervently to deliver on the concept for just as long. In some respects, we've landed. But there's still much more to explore on the path to a seamless, secure and scalable whole-house connectivity solu... » read more

Flexible Sensors Begin Ramping

Sensors are at the heart of the [getkc id="76" comment="Internet of Things"]. Flexible sensors promise to extend the Internet of Everything to the battlefield, the gymnasium, the hospital, and many other places. Flexible [getkc id="187" kc_name="sensors"] represent the forefront of a sea of change in electronics, marking the transition from rigid semiconductors made with silicon and other ha... » read more

Mobile Edge Computing For The IoE

More attention is being focused on the edges of networks as the IoE begins taking hold. The reason is that the current wireless infrastructure is inadequate for handling the billions of endpoints that will make up the IoE. So for the IoE to realize its full potential, it will either require some sort of add-on infrastructure or a new discovery in physics. Edge networks were not always suc... » read more

Planes, Cars, And Lagging Standards

Automotive and aerospace standards are struggling to adapt to pervasive connectivity, increased functionality, and new packaging approaches and architectures, leaving chipmakers and systems vendors unsure about what needs to be included in future designs. Each of these markets has a reputation for being lumbering and unresponsive, in part because they deal with safety-critical issues and i... » read more

It’s Transition Time

For the past couple of years we've been hearing about the coming onslaught of the IoT, difficulties in scaling device features and a shift left that will redefine verification, debug and software prototyping. It's all happening. Taken individually, these are noteworthy changes. Taken as a whole, they represent a massive repositioning of the semiconductor industry, from architectural explorat... » read more

Change Of Direction

Do you remember the days when we were told the PC would be the center of our communications and control everything? But then came the smartphone, and then everything was going to be run from our smartphone—our communications, music, home automation, automotive navigation and entertainment and more. Yet the technology continues to evolve with the Internet of Things (IoT), or even the Internet ... » read more

Securing The Cloud

Cloud computing offers on-demand network access that is ubiquitous and convenient, with a pool of configurable computing resources such as shared networks, servers, storage, applications, and services. What makes this so attractive is these services can be provisioned and adapted to the load, with minimal management or service provider intervention. Cloud computing takes advantage of a distr... » read more

Racing To Design Chips Faster

A shift is underway to develop chips for more narrowly defined market segments, and in much smaller production runs. Rather than focusing on shrinking features and reducing cost per transistor by the billions of units, the emphasis behind this shift is less about scale and much more about optimization for specific markets and delivering those solutions more quickly. As automotive, consumer e... » read more

Fuel Cells And The IoE

There is no arguing with the fact that civilization is consuming power like never before. Even with a growing awareness of energy conservation at all levels, and across all types of platforms the world’s appetite for energy is growing, logarithmically. And technology is not going to be able to make conventional energy sources efficient, and earth-friendly enough to supply all that will be nee... » read more

What Is Cyberwarfare?

Cyberwarfare is emerging as the most sophisticated battleground of the 21st century. In fact, the military in all major countries make it a priority. Collectively they are spending tens of billions of dollars on education and building a knowledgebase of how attacks can be perpetrated and what defenses are needed. The entire effort is based on technology, both legacy and new, starting on the ... » read more

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