Keeping Key Management Clear And Physical

Fundamental to all digital security systems is the ability to turn sensitive data into what looks like random incomprehensible jibberish and turn it back again into the same original information. But that is not all there is to it. You should be able to do that second bit of getting the original text only if you are allowed to do so. A classic way to deal with this problem is by using another s... » read more

Combating Counterfeit Chips

The harsh reality is that today, the authenticity of chips is often impossible to guarantee. The counterfeit chip market is sizeable and growing with a worldwide value estimated at $75B in 2019. Those counterfeits are believed to have been integrated into more than $169B of electronic devices. Recent confirmed incidents of counterfeit parts found in electronic systems include defibrillators, ai... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Jan. 21

Two-layer MRAM Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology propose a simpler MRAM construction that could perform faster with less power than conventional memories. The idea relies on unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance (USMR), a spin-related phenomenon that could be used to develop MRAM cells with an extremely simple structure. The spin Hall effect leads to the accumulation of elect... » read more

Determining What Really Needs To Be Secured In A Chip

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss what's needed to secure hardware and why many previous approaches have been unsuccessful, with Warren Savage, research scientist in the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security at the University of Maryland; Neeraj Paliwal, vice president and general manager of Rambus Security; Luis Ancajas, marketing director for IoT security softw... » read more