The Week In Review: Manufacturing

Trade wars China and the United States are in the midst of a trade war. Click here for the latest from CNN. Meanwhile, click here for a list of the winners and losers so far. Display Supply Chain Consultants, a research firm, provides more insights from a hi-tech perspective. Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the U.S.-based Consumer Technology Association (CTA), issued a statement abo... » read more

The Week In Review: Manufacturing

Chipmakers Who will buy Toshiba’s memory business? In the latest of what is becoming a confusing saga, Toshiba has signed a deal to sell its memory unit to a group led by Bain Capital. The Bain-led consortium will hold a 49.9% stake in the memory unit, while Toshiba will hold 40.2% and Japan’s Hoya will own 9.9%. Other members in the group include Apple, Dell, Kingston, and Seagate. In add... » read more