Roadmap To Neuromorphic Computing (Collaboration of 27 Universities/Companies)

A technical paper titled “Roadmap to Neuromorphic Computing with Emerging Technologies” was published by researchers at University College London, Politecnico di Milano, Purdue University, ETH Zurich and numerous other institutions. Summary: "The roadmap is organized into several thematic sections, outlining current computing challenges, discussing the neuromorphic computing approach, ana... » read more

Research Bits: Feb. 27

Phonon-magnon reservoir Researchers from TU Dortmund, Loughborough University, V. E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, and University of Nottingham were inspired by the human eye to propose an on-chip phonon-magnon reservoir for neuromorphic computing. In reservoir computing, input signals are mapped into a multidimensional space, which is not trained and only expedites recogni... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: April 5

Wafer-scale graphene In an attempt to make graphene more useful for photonic devices, researchers from CNIT, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Tecip Institute, University of Cambridge, and Graphene Flagship Associated Member and spin-off CamGraphIC developed a wafer-scale graphene fabrication technology that uses predetermined graphene single-crystal templates, allowing for integration in... » read more