Power Modeling Standard Released

Power is becoming a more important aspect of semiconductor design, but without an industry standard for power models, adoption is likely to be slow and fragmented. That is why Si2 and the IEEE decided to do something about it. Back in 2014, the IEEE expanded its interest in power standards with the creation of two new groups IEEE P2415 - Standard for Unified Hardware Abstraction and Layer fo... » read more

Optimizing Power For Learning At The Edge

Learning on the edge is seen as one of the Holy Grails of machine learning, but today even the cloud is struggling to get computation done using reasonable amounts of power. Power is the great enabler—or limiter—of the technology, and the industry is beginning to respond. "Power is like an inverse pyramid problem," says Johannes Stahl, senior director of product marketing at Synopsys. "T... » read more

Determining Where Power Analysis Matters Most

How much accuracy is required in every stage of power analysis is becoming a subject of debate, as engineering teams wrestle with a mix of new architectures, different use cases and increasing pressure to get designs out on time. The question isn't whether power is a critical factor in designs anymore. That is a given. It is now about the most efficient way to tackle those issues, as well as... » read more

DRAM Tradeoffs: Speed Vs. Energy

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about new DRAM options and considerations with Frank Ferro, senior director of product management at Rambus; Marc Greenberg, group director for product marketing at Cadence; Graham Allan, senior product marketing manager for DDR PHYs at Synopsys; and Tien Shiah, senior manager for memory marketing at Samsung Electronics. What follows are excerpts of th... » read more

Inferencing At The Edge

David Fritz, head of corporate strategic alliances at Mentor, a Siemens Business, shows how to apply YOLO (you only look once) at the edge, allowing automotive companies to move from a GPU to a much more efficient processor. That allows inferencing to move much closer to the sensor, so neural networks can be tailored to the type of data being produced. From there the data can be abstracted and ... » read more

Hardware-Software Co-Design Reappears

The core concepts in hardware-software co-design are getting another look, nearly two decades after this approach was first introduced and failed to catch on. What's different this time around is the growing complexity and an emphasis on architectural improvements, as well as device scaling, particularly for AI/ML applications. Software is a critical component, and the more tightly integrate... » read more

Power Is Limiting Machine Learning Deployments

The total amount of power consumed for machine learning tasks is staggering. Until a few years ago we did not have computers powerful enough to run many of the algorithms, but the repurposing of the GPU gave the industry the horsepower that it needed. The problem is that the GPU is not well suited to the task, and most of the power consumed is waste. While machine learning has provided many ... » read more

Accurate Power Analysis Using Real Software Workloads

Over the last decade or so, power consumption has become a major issue in the design of many types of electronic products. Of course, power has always mattered for battery-operated devices, but the complexity of portable electronics and the size of the chips they contain have grown significantly. For plugged-in devices, from desktop computers to server racks in a data center, power plays a majo... » read more

Low-Power Design Becomes Even More Complex

Throughout the SoC design flow, there has been a tremendous amount of research done to ease the pain of managing a long list of power-related issues. And while headway has been made, the addition of new application areas such as AI/ML/DL, automotive and IoT has raised as many new problems as have been solved. The challenges are particularly acute at leading-edge nodes where devices are power... » read more

The Power Of Integrating Bluetooth Low Energy Into SoCs

The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) specification, released in 2011, enables designers of System-on-Chips (SoCs) to maximize the battery life of IoT devices and minimize the implementation costs of wireless sensors and other “connected things” by maximizing sleep time and simplifying Radio operation. Because it is built on the established ecosystem of Bluetooth Classic for mobile phones and P... » read more

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