Big Shifts In Tech Conferences

By Ed Sperling and Katherine Derbyshire Identifying central themes in technology conferences, or finding enough latitude where the theme is extremely well defined, is becoming challenging throughout the tech industry. Throughout the semiconductor industry, in particular, many are asking how various organizations will differentiate conferences in the future and who will be the target audience... » read more

Technical Conferences: The Insurmountable Opportunity

As a technology marketeer, I’m always looking for high-leverage events to promote our brand and gain visibility for new products and services. Let’s face it, this is the main benefit for attending a technical conference or a trade show. While the dream might be 40+ leads that are well-qualified and closable in the quarter, the reality is more of a long-game kind of strategy. For years, t... » read more

The Grammar Police Have Spoken

The Associated Press has made “internet” its standard spelling for the global collection of interconnected computer networks, previously known as the Internet. And it decreed that “web” would take the place of the Web, as in the World Wide Web, the initials of which are found at the beginning of most website addresses. It’s a style change, as journalists call it, which has been adv... » read more

IoE Things Are Spying On Us

Special inaudible sounds are being embedded in Web pages and television commercials. In India, a company called SilverPush embeds short, ultrasonic sounds into television commercials and Web pages. Not only that, complementary software is being snuck onto computers, tablets, and smartphones. This software will pick up these “inaudible” signals and, via cookies, send what it learns back t... » read more

The Perilous Path From Technology To Product

I spend a lot of my time talking to people about technology and about bringing technology products to market. Along the way I find myself regularly discussing three common dilemmas that technologists have, and in this post I wanted to share those with you. On to the three topics: 1) It’s not about technology. More correctly I should say it’s not just about technology. The trend set by... » read more