Virtualization Revisited

Virtual instruction set computing (VISC) is getting a second look as power and performance improvements begin to slow and [getkc id="74" comment="Moore's Law"] is supplanted by [getkc id="279" comment="Koomey's Law"]. While the current crop of [getkc id="185" kc_name="finFETs"] will likely be extended for at least one more process node, there is some debate about what comes next, whether tha... » read more

Are Processors Running Out Of Steam?

Check out any smart phone these days and you’ll find some reference to the number of cores in the device. It’s not the number of cores that makes a difference, though—or even the clock speed at which they run. Performance depends on the underlying design for how they’re utilized, how often that happens, how much memory they share, how much interaction there is between the cores, and the... » read more