Optimizing Event-Based Neural Network Processing For A Neuromorphic Architecture

A new technical paper titled "Optimizing event-based neural networks on digital neuromorphic architecture: a comprehensive design space exploration" was published by imec, TU Delft and University of Twente. Abstract "Neuromorphic processors promise low-latency and energy-efficient processing by adopting novel brain-inspired design methodologies. Yet, current neuromorphic solutions still str... » read more

Neuromorphic photonic circuit modeling in Verilog-A

Abstract "One of the significant challenges in neuromorphic photonic architectures is the lack of good tools to simulate large-scale photonic integrated circuits. It is crucial to perform simulations on a single platform to capture the circuit’s behavior in the presence of both optical and electrical components. Here, we adopted a Verilog-A based approach to model neuromorphic photonic cir... » read more