Software-Defined Radar Is First Leap On SDV Path

Software-defined vehicles (SDVs) have had car company marketers in a veritable tizzy for several years, and while they generally agree on the direction, they differ on the speed and route to adoption. For most OEMs, a wholesale change in vehicle architecture, from hood ornament to trunk-latch, is easier said than done. Legacy systems, both hardware and software, are the millstone around OEMs... » read more

The Trouble With Multicore Software

David Patterson, Professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley, presented his views to the Naval Postgraduate School about the prospects for multicore programming success. This video was excerpted from his presentation. [youtube vid=EDHXIH8DlLY] » read more

Fewer Engineers Means Fewer Weapons Designs

By Ed Sperling Uncle Sam wants you—but not on the battlefield. The diminished pool of qualified engineering and science graduates is having a major impact on the defense market. There simply are too few trained engineers to design complex systems for the military at the rate they’re needed, creating a huge hole in a system that has been humming along for the better part of a century. And ... » read more

Case Study: A Better Way To Predict Weather

By Ed Sperling Most of our weather predictions are developed from about 150 stationary government radar systems, which interlock and occasionally overlap to create a cohesive picture. The picture isn’t perfect—in fact, it’s probably the equivalent of looking at a large, grainy satellite photo—which creates plenty of wrong forecasts. But the system can track large storms across state bo... » read more