Design Space For The Device-Circuit Codesign Of NVM-Based CIM Accelerators (TSMC)

A new technical paper titled "Assessing Design Space for the Device-Circuit Codesign of Nonvolatile Memory-Based Compute-in-Memory Accelerators" was published by TSMC researchers. Abstract "Unprecedented penetration of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms has brought about rapid innovations in electronic hardware, including new memory devices. Nonvolatile memory (NVM) devices offer one s... » read more

Design Space for the Device-Circuit Codesign of NVM-Based CIM Accelerators (TSMC)

A new technical paper/mini-review titled "Assessing Design Space for the Device-Circuit Codesign of Nonvolatile Memory-Based Compute-in-Memory Accelerators" was published by researchers at TSMC and National Tsing Hua University. Abstract "Unprecedented penetration of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms has brought about rapid innovations in electronic hardware, including new memory devi... » read more

Nonvolatile Electrochemical Memory Cell For Temperatures Up To 600°C (U. Of Michigan, Sandia)

A new technical paper titled "Nonvolatile electrochemical memory at 600°C enabled by composition phase separation" was published by researchers at University of Michigan and Sandia National Laboratories. "Moore’s law has led to monumental advances in computing over the past 50 years. However, one shortcoming of silicon-based logic and memory devices is their limited temperature range, typ... » read more

STCO for Dense Edge Architectures using 3D Integration and NVM (imec,, et al.)

A new technical paper titled "System-Technology Co-Optimization for Dense Edge Architectures using 3D Integration and Non-Volatile Memory" was published by researchers at imec, INESC-ID, Université Libre de Bruxelles, et al. "In this paper, we present an system-technology co-optimization (STCO) framework that interfaces with workload-driven system scaling challenges and physical design-enab... » read more

SONOS Non-Volatile Memory Technology

The demand for embedded flash memory has grown steeply over the years as many new applications emerged in consumer electronics (touchscreens, smart cards, bank cards, mobile payment, e-passport, etc.) in addition to the industrial system-on-chip (SOC) designs. The memory content of these applications has been increasing steadily due to greater requirements on system performance and code/data st... » read more

Better Security and Power Efficiency of Ascon HW Implementation with STT-MRAM (CEA, et al.)

A new technical paper titled "Enhancing Security and Power Efficiency of Ascon Hardware Implementation with STT-MRAM" was published by researchers at CEA, Leti, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, and Spintec. Abstract "With the outstanding growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, security and power efficiency of integrated circuits can no longer be overlooked. Current approved standards f... » read more

Memory Fundamentals For Engineers

Memory is one of a very few elite electronic components essential to any electronic system. Modern electronics perform extraordinarily complex duties that would be impossible without memory. Your computer obviously contains memory, but so does your car, your smartphone, your doorbell camera, your entertainment system, and any other gadget benefiting from digital electronics. This eBook prov... » read more

NVMs: In-Memory Fine-Grained Integrity Verification Technique (Intel Labs, IISc)

A new technical paper titled "iMIV: in-Memory Integrity Verification for NVM" was published by researchers at Intel Labs and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru. Abstract "Non-volatile Memory (NVM) could bridge the gap between memory and storage. However, NVMs are susceptible to data remanence attacks. Thus, multiple security metadata must persist along with the data to protect th... » read more

NeuroHammer Attacks on ReRAM-Based Memories

A new technical paper titled "NVM-Flip: Non-Volatile-Memory BitFlips on the System Level" was published by researchers at Ruhr-University Bochum, University of Duisburg-Essen, and Robert Bosch. Abstract "Emerging non-volatile memories (NVMs) are promising candidates to substitute conventional memories due to their low access latency, high integration density, and non-volatility. These super... » read more

Ultra-Low Power CiM Design For Practical Edge Scenarios

A technical paper titled “Low Power and Temperature-Resilient Compute-In-Memory Based on Subthreshold-FeFET” was published by researchers at Zhejiang University, University of Notre Dame, Technical University of Munich, Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, and the Laboratory of Collaborative Sensing and Autonomous Unmanned Systems of Zhejiang Province. Abstract: "Compute... » read more

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