Package Assembly Design Kits: The Future Of Advanced Package Design

Why should there be an interest in Package Assembly Design Kits (PADK) today? For the most part, it is due to the advancement in the accumulation of files forming the PADK now offering a customized heterogeneous design experience that optimizes the device's intended package performance with complete connectivity verification, DRC, and assembly validation. Another primary reason is the ongoing f... » read more

Design Process And Methodology For Achieving High-Volume Production Quality For HDFO Packaging

Unlike the traditional system on chip (SoC) design process, which has fully qualified verification methods embodied in the form of process design kits (PDKs), chip design companies and outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) suppliers have typically had no integrated circuit (IC) package co-design sign-off verification process to help ensure that an IC package will meet manufacturabil... » read more