The Importance Of Power Conversion Technologies In The Production Of Green Hydrogen

Global demand for green hydrogen is high and rising fast. Some studies predict that the electrical power demand to produce green hydrogen will be 4500 GW by 2050, compared to today’s (2023) electrical power demand of around 25 GW. This exponential growth will be fueled by green hydrogen which will reduce the carbon footprint of existing industries that use hydrogen as a feedstock, and by the ... » read more

Empowering Greener Future: Role Of Energy Storage Systems

Recently, I came across a report that highlighted the energy price inflation rate by commodity in the European Union, which for January 2023 was measured at a staggering 20.6%. This figure was in stark contrast to the inflation rate recorded in January 2019, which was a mere 2.4%. It made me reflect on the challenges we've faced in the past year with the rising energy demand and subsequent su... » read more