Lego-Like Photonics Chip With Expanded RF Bandwidth And Advanced Filter Control

A technical paper titled “Integrated microwave photonic notch filter using a heterogeneously integrated Brillouin and active-silicon photonic circuit” was published by researchers at University of Sydney and Australian National University. Abstract: "Microwave photonics (MWP) has unlocked a new paradigm for Radio Frequency (RF) signal processing by harnessing the inherent broadband and tu... » read more

Radio Frequency Filters For 5G: What They Are And Why They’re Worth The Trouble

By David Haynes, Daniel Shin, and Lidia Vereen­ In the recent blog article "Our wireless world – how Wi-Fi 6 will seamlessly integrate with 5G to keep us connected," David Haynes from our Customer Support Business Group (CSBG) explained how this new generation of wireless technologies will improve our connectivity by using higher frequencies and greater bandwidth than current 4G and Wi-F... » read more