Remote Direct Memory Introspection (Rice, Duke, MIT)

A technical paper titled "Remote Direct Memory Introspection" was published by researchers at Rice University, Duke University, and MIT. This paper won a distinguished paper award at the recent 32nd USENIX Security Symposium. Abstract: "Hypervisors have played a critical role in cloud security, but they introduce a large trusted computing base (TCB) and incur a heavy performance tax. As of... » read more

Memory Disaggregation Research And Making It Practical With Hardware Trends (U. of Michigan)

A new technical paper titled "Memory Disaggregation: Advances and Open Challenges" was published by researchers at University of Michigan. Abstract "Compute and memory are tightly coupled within each server in traditional datacenters. Large-scale datacenter operators have identified this coupling as a root cause behind fleet-wide resource underutilization and increasing Total Cost of Owners... » read more

Low Latency Networks: RoCE Or iWARP?

Today, Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is primarily being utilized within high performance computing or cloud environments to reduce latency across the network. Enterprise customers will soon require low latency networking that RDMA offers so that they can address a variety of different applications, such as Oracle and SAP, and also implement software-defined storage using Windows Storage Sp... » read more