Secure Interfaces for Critical Semiconductor Applications

Security is now a concern for nearly all semiconductors in nearly all applications. Once of high interest mostly for military and financial systems, both the increasingly connected world and the plethora of existing security threats have changed the landscape dramatically. Every aspect of electronic system design—hardware, firmware, and software—has its own sets of risks and requirements to... » read more

Navigating Complexity And Enhancing Security In Advanced Automotive Systems

As the automotive industry advances towards higher levels of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), the complexity of vehicles is growing at an unprecedented rate. Modern vehicles are equipped with an increasing array of ADAS sensors, sophisticated algorithms, powerful processors, advanced in-vehicle networks, and millions of lines of software code. These components are crucial for processi... » read more

Security Improving For Low-Cost Hardware

Security has been a priority in software for decades, but only recently has it begun catching up in chips — particularly those in inexpensive devices. The disconnect is that while these devices are low-cost, they often are connected to the same networks as more sophisticated devices and repositories for valuable data. It's not unusual for the entry point in ransomware or distributed denial... » read more

Edge Devices Require New Security Approaches

The diversity of connected devices and chips at the edge — the vaguely defined middle ground between the end point and the cloud — is significantly widening the potential attack surface and creating more opportunities for cyberattacks. The edge build-out has been underway for at least the past half-decade, largely driven by an explosion in data and increasing demands to process that data... » read more

Chip Security Now Depends On Widening Supply Chain

Securing chips is becoming more challenging as SoCs are disaggregated into chiplets, creating new vulnerabilities that involve hardware and software, as well as multiple entities, and extending threats across a much broader supply chain. In the past, much of the cyber threat model was confined to either hardware or software, and where multiple vendors were involved, various chips were separa... » read more

Securing The World’s Data: A Looming Challenge

A combination of increasingly complex designs, more connected devices, and a mix of different generations of security technology are creating a whole new set of concerns about the safety of data nearly everywhere. While security experts have been warning of a growing threat in electronics for decades, there have been several recent fundamental changes that elevate the risk. Among them: ... » read more

Securing AI In The Data Center

AI has permeated virtually every aspect of our digital lives, from personalized recommendations on streaming platforms to advanced medical diagnostics. Behind the scenes of this AI revolution lies the data center, which houses the hardware, software, and networking infrastructure necessary for training and deploying AI models. Securing AI in the data center relies on data confidentiality, integ... » read more

Earning Digital Trust

The internet of things (IoT) has been growing at a fast pace. In 2023, there were already double the number of internet-connected devices – 16 billion – than people on the planet. However, many of these devices are not properly secured. The high volume of insecure devices being deployed is presenting hackers with more opportunities than ever before. Governments around the world are realizin... » read more

Data Center Security Issues Widen

The total amount of data will swell to about 200 zettabytes of data next year, much of it stored in massive data centers scattered across the globe that are increasingly vulnerable to attacks of all sorts. The stakes for securing data have been rising steadily as the value of that data increases, making it far more attractive to hackers. This is evident in the scope of the attack targets —... » read more

Safeguarding IoT Devices With SESIP And PSA Certified Root Of Trust IP

IoT is everywhere. By the end of 2024, it’s forecasted that there will be a staggering 207 billion IoT devices in the world, that’s 25 each for every human being on Earth. The connectivity of IoT devices brings great value for consumers and businesses alike, but with great connectivity comes greater vulnerability to a wide variety of malicious attacks from cyber criminals. IoT devices ar... » read more

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