Rowhammer Protection By Addressing Root Cause (Georgia Tech)

A new technical paper titled "Preventing Rowhammer Exploits via Low-Cost Domain-Aware Memory Allocation" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech. Abstract "Rowhammer is a hardware security vulnerability at the heart of every system with modern DRAM-based memory. Despite its discovery a decade ago, comprehensive defenses remain elusive, while the probability of successful attacks grows ... » read more

Memory Fundamentals For Engineers

Memory is one of a very few elite electronic components essential to any electronic system. Modern electronics perform extraordinarily complex duties that would be impossible without memory. Your computer obviously contains memory, but so does your car, your smartphone, your doorbell camera, your entertainment system, and any other gadget benefiting from digital electronics. This eBook prov... » read more

A New Low-Cost HW-Counterbased RowHammer Mitigation Technique

A technical paper titled “ABACuS: All-Bank Activation Counters for Scalable and Low Overhead RowHammer Mitigation” was presented at the August 2024 USENIX Security Symposium by researchers at ETH Zurich. Abstract: "We introduce ABACuS, a new low-cost hardware-counterbased RowHammer mitigation technique that performance-, energy-, and area-efficiently scales with worsening Ro... » read more

Secure Low-Cost In-DRAM Trackers For Mitigating Rowhammer (Georgia Tech, Google, Nvidia)

A new technical paper titled "MINT: Securely Mitigating Rowhammer with a Minimalist In-DRAM Tracker" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech, Google, and Nvidia. Abstract "This paper investigates secure low-cost in-DRAM trackers for mitigating Rowhammer (RH). In-DRAM solutions have the advantage that they can solve the RH problem within the DRAM chip, without relying on other parts of ... » read more

Analysis Of The On-DRAM-Die Read Disturbance Mitigation Method: Per Row Activation Counting

A technical paper titled “Understanding the Security Benefits and Overheads of Emerging Industry Solutions to DRAM Read Disturbance” was published by researchers at ETH Zürich and TOBB University of Economics and Technology. Abstract: "We present the first rigorous security, performance, energy, and cost analyses of the state-of-the-art on-DRAM-die read disturbance mitigation method, Per... » read more

Rowhammer Bit Flips On A High-End RISC-V CPU (ETH Zurich)

A new technical paper titled "RISC-H: Rowhammer Attacks on RISC-V" was published by researchers at ETH Zurich.  RISC-H will be presented at DRAMSec (co-located with ISCA 2024) Abstract: "The first high-end RISC-V CPU with DDR4 support has been released just a few months ago. There are currently no Rowhammer studies on RISC-V devices and it is unclear whether it is possible to compromise ... » read more

DRAM Microarchitectures And Their Impacts On Activate-Induced Bitflips Such As RowHammer 

A technical paper titled “DRAMScope: Uncovering DRAM Microarchitecture and Characteristics by Issuing Memory Commands” was published by researchers at Seoul National University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Abstract: "The demand for precise information on DRAM microarchitectures and error characteristics has surged, driven by the need to explore processing in memory, enh... » read more

Centauri: Practical Rowhammer Fingerprinting Demonstrated On DRAM Modules (UC Davis)

A technical paper titled “Centauri: Practical Rowhammer Fingerprinting” was published by researchers at UC Davis. Abstract: "Fingerprinters leverage the heterogeneity in hardware and software configurations to extract a device fingerprint. Fingerprinting countermeasures attempt to normalize these attributes such that they present a uniform fingerprint across different devices or present d... » read more

Rowhammer Exploitation On AMD Platforms, DDR4 DDR5 (ETH Zurich)

A new technical paper titled "ZenHammer: Rowhammer Attacks on AMD Zen-based Platforms" was published by researchers at ETH Zurich. The work will be presented at USENIX Security Symposium in August 2024. Abstract: "AMD has gained a significant market share in recent years with the introduction of the Zen microarchitecture. While there are many recent Rowhammer attacks launched from Intel CPU... » read more

DRAM Chip Characterization Study of Spatial Variation of Read Disturbance and Future Solutions (ETH Zurich)

A new technical paper titled "Spatial Variation-Aware Read Disturbance Defenses: Experimental Analysis of Real DRAM Chips and Implications on Future Solutions" was published by researchers at ETH Zurich. Abstract: "Read disturbance in modern DRAM chips is a widespread phenomenon and is reliably used for breaking memory isolation, a fundamental building block for building robust systems. Row... » read more

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