Manufacturing Bits: Feb. 7

Design tools for solid-state batteries Oak Ridge National Laboratory has devised a new tool designed to accelerate the development of energy-dense solid-state batteries. The tool, called the Solid-State Battery Performance Analyzer and Calculator (SolidPAC), enables researchers to assess the impact of battery designs and choice of cell components for solid-state batteries. It can be used to... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Jan. 3

Gallium oxide chips Looking to commercialize a promising ultra wide-bandgap technology in the market, Novel Crystal Technology (NCT) has developed a Schottky barrier diode based on a material called gallium oxide. NCT devised an ampere-class 1,200-V diode based on gallium oxide. A diode is a device that passes electricity in one direction and blocks it in the opposite direction. Still in R&... » read more