Self-Driving Cars: Formalization and Verification Of The Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS) Model

A technical paper titled “Slow Down, Move Over: A Case Study in Formal Verification, Refinement, and Testing of the Responsibility-Sensitive Safety Model for Self-Driving Cars” was published by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University. Abstract: "Technology advances give us the hope of driving without human error, reducing vehicle emissions and simplifying an everyday task with the futur... » read more

Shrinking AV’s 1 Billion Test Miles

There is still no answer to how many miles an autonomous vehicle needs to drive before it's proven safe. But some AV developers and test companies are hoping to ease the burden a bit with automation that makes millions of real and simulated miles of road testing simpler to implement, supported by standards that make it easier to create and trade simulation scenarios. The goal is to reduce th... » read more