Enhancing HMI Security: How To Protect ICS Environments From Cyber Threats

HMIs (Human Machine Interfaces) can be broadly defined as just about anything that allows humans to interface with their machines, and so are found throughout the technical world. In OT environments, operators use various HMIs to interact with industrial control systems in order to direct and monitor the operational systems. And wherever humans and machines intersect, security problems can ensu... » read more

Cost-Effective, Silicon-Based Security Reduces Risks, Achieves Competitive Advantage

IDC Spotlight, by Robert Westervelt, Research Director, Security Products, sponsored by Rambus. Device manufacturers are increasingly under pressure to address security and privacy. Cost-effective, silicon-based security is among the components that can significantly reduce the risk of physical attacks and cyberattacks and achieve a competitive advantage over both legacy and insecure solutio... » read more

Toward IIoT Security Standards

Security is a high priority within Industrial IoT projects, but it is advancing like the rest of the industry—inconsistently, with big gaps between the leaders and everyone else. That isn't unique to one or two industrial segments. It applies to all of them, and even to slices within particularly industries. "There is some confusion about security because it's not just the IT issues," s... » read more

The Week in Review: IoT

Finance Orbbec of Shenzhen, China, a developer of motion sensing technology, raised more than $200 million in Series D funding led by Ant Financial. Also participating in the new round were SAIF Financial, Green Pine Capital Partners, R-Z Capital, and Tianlangxing Capital Partners. Established in 2013, Orbbec develops 3D sensors for applications in facial recognition, gesture recognition, robo... » read more

IIoT Security Threat Rising

The rapid growth of the Industrial Internet of Things is raising questions about just how secure these systems are today, how to improve security, and who exactly should be responsible for that. These issues are interlaced with a shift in where a growing volume of data gets processed, the cost and speed of moving large amounts of data, and the increasing frequency and cost of attacks. "Di... » read more

The Week in Review: IoT

Finance BroadLink has raised $54.4 million in Series D funding from Citic Private Equity Funds Management. Baidu and Libai Group participated in the new round. BroadLink will use the money to expand its artificial intelligence and Internet of Things units, while also acquiring or investing in companies involved in smart home devices. Aperio Systems of Haifa, Israel, has received $4.5 millio... » read more

M2M Vs. IoE

For some time now, there has been discussion that the IoE is really nothing more than the M2M infrastructure with a new coat of paint. Are M2M and the [getkc id="260" comment="Internet of Everything"] really just different generations of the same family, or are they completely different? This is more than just a philosophical question. The answer affects everything from technology investmen... » read more

LP Spread-Spectrum Sensors

It is pretty much an accepted fact that the common denominator of the IoT will be intelligent sensors. Virtually everything and everyone will be “sensed.” These sensors will collect an immense amount of data, and that data will have to be funneled for analysis at some point. Much of this will occur in real time, but some of it can be stored and forwarded, or collected on demand. Tethered... » read more