Cross-Shaped Reconfigurable Transistor (CS-RFET) With Flexible Signal Routing

A new technical paper titled "Cross-Shape Reconfigurable Field Effect Transistor for Flexible Signal Routing" was published by researchers at NaMLab gGmbH, École Centrale de Lyon, and TU Dresden. "A detailed comprehensive study of the cross-shape reconfigurable field effect transistor electrical characteristics are presented. The fabricated device demonstrates nearly equal transistor charac... » read more

Will Monolithic 3D DRAM Happen?

As DRAM scaling slows, the industry will need to look for other ways to keep pushing for more and cheaper bits of memory. The most common way of escaping the limits of planar scaling is to add the third dimension to the architecture. There are two ways to accomplish that. One is in a package, which is already happening. The second is to sale the die into the Z axis, which which has been a to... » read more