Advanced Real‐Time Video Image Recognition

In this 4-page paper, created with the participation of Mobileye, you will learn how the world's #1 vision-based ADAS company uses Arteris FlexNoC interconnect IP to address demanding high bandwidth and low-latency requirements. By using FlexNoC interconnect IP for its EyeQ3 and EyeQ4 product lines, Mobileye was able to address the following issues: Maintain low latency while connecting... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Automotive/Mobility China may act to rein in its EV market, according a story in Nikkei Asia. The National Development and Reform Commission in China asked for investment and production plans for EV projects over the last five years, which is signal to some industry insiders that the government may regulate some of the industry. Softbank and carmaker Subaru completed a test that used a 5G n... » read more

Why Designing ICs From The Ground Up For Automotive Applications Matters

Today's cars are computers on wheels, with multiple systems talking to each other constantly to deliver intelligence that keeps drivers and passengers safe, comfortable, and entertained while taking them from point A to point B. While we're not quite ready to completely welcome fully autonomous self-driving cars on our roadways, we are experiencing the benefits of Level 2 and Level 3 autonomous... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

PCs get work-from-home bump Rather than using Intel chips, Apple will be making its own chips for its Mac computers, using Arm cores, Bloomberg reports. TSMC will manufacture the chips. Intel, meanwhile, was up 14% quarter year-over-year its PC business, which it attributes to more people working from home and needed new equipment. Despite a strong quarter, however, the company pulled its 2... » read more

Week In Review: IoT, Security, Autos

The United States signed trade agreements with the China (phase one agreement) and North American countries Mexico and Canada this week. The SIA (Semiconductor Industry Association), which represents the U.S. semiconductor industry, applauded the agreements. Still to be worked out is the second part, or phase two, of the U.S.’s agreement with China. AI/Edge M&A Apple is acquiring edge... » read more

Optima Design Launches, Focuses On Functional Safety

Autonomous driving is really happening. "Although a concept and dream for many automotive enthusiasts and engineers since the 1950s, now it's really happening," asserted Jamil Mazzawi, founder and CEO of Optima Design, which launched today. “At the same time, everybody knows that if we continue to have accidents, like the Tesla accident or the Uber accident, this will not work. People will... » read more

How Many Test Miles Make A Vehicle Safe?

The road to reliable safety testing of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is shifting left. Standards groups are beginning to publish functional safety standards that could make it possible to verify what a machine-learning AV pilot application will do in a traffic situation even before hardware or software is released from validation testing. This kind of approach has been possible for some time in ... » read more

The Automation Of AI

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the role that EDA has in automating artificial intelligence and machine learning with Doug Letcher, president and CEO of Metrics; Daniel Hansson, CEO of Verifyter; Harry Foster, chief scientist verification for Mentor, a Siemens Business; Larry Melling, product management director for Cadence; Manish Pandey, Synopsys fellow; and Raik Brinkmann, CEO ... » read more

Automakers Take On More Responsibility

Chip and EDA companies are scrambling to deal with stiff safety regulations and harsh environmental conditions for automotive chips, but automakers are making big changes of their own to ensure all those components work together as expected. The result is a significant shift of responsibilities of companies in the automotive supply chain. Carmakers traditionally have left verification, valid... » read more