Tuning Heterogeneous SoCs

It's one thing to pack multiple processor cores into a design, but it is much more difficult to ensure the hardware matches the software's requirements, or that the software optimally uses the hardware. Both the hardware and software teams are now facing these issues, and there are few tools to help them fully understand the problems or to provide solutions. Design teams continue to add more... » read more

Homogeneous And Heterogeneous Computing Collide

Eleven years ago processors stopped scaling due to diminishing returns and the breakdown of [getkc id="213" kc_name="Dennard's Law"]. That set in motion a chain of events from which the industry has still not fully recovered. The transition to homogeneous multi-core processing presented the software side with a problem that they did not know how to solve, namely how to optimize the usage of ... » read more

Silexica: Multicore Software Automation

Multicore programming has a long and troubled history, and it has become much worse as the computing world moves increasingly toward heterogeneous multicore architectures. While it's easy enough to map out the hardware's power/performance characteristics, it is much harder to make the software take advantage of the appropriate cores. Enter Silexa, which began as a research project in 2008 at... » read more

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