The Race For Better Verification

SoC verification is gearing up for renewed competition among the big vendors and verification-only companies like Real Intent. They are delivering their next-generation SoC verification suites with a focus on specific areas of concern. Clock-domain crossing, X-verification and reset optimization, SDC correctness and consistency, are some of the areas that are receiving dedicated RTL analysis us... » read more

Cracking The Tough Nut Using Formal Methods

Pranav Ashar, CTO of Real Intent, assured a packed room of researchers and practitioners of formal methods at the recent FMCAD conference: “Static verification is being used in the verification of designs. Every major chip out there is using static methods for sign-off today.” He used an analogy of cracking a nut. “There’s a right way and a wrong way and if you don’t pick the right me... » read more

Shifts In Verification

By Ann Steffora Mutschler Verifying an SoC requires a holistic view of the system, and engineering teams use a number of tools to reach a high degree of confidence in the coverage. But how and when to use those tools is in flux as engineering teams wrestle with increasing complexity at every level of the design, and a skyrocketing increase in the challenge of verifying it. There are no ... » read more

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