Asterix In The Land Of Sudoku: The Fast, The Elegant, And The Popular Formal Solvers

It has become a time-honored tradition for OneSpin to pose a holiday puzzle challenge to engineers everywhere. Last year, we asked you to solve the famous Einstein riddle using assertions and a formal tool: It was a great success. For the 2017–18 holiday season, we asked you to solve the hardest Sudoku in the world and prove that the solution is unique. We are delighted that even more enthusi... » read more

Using Formal To Solve The World’s Hardest Sudoku

It’s no secret that the OneSpin team loves contests. Last year around this time, we set a challenge to engineers everywhere: solve the famous Einstein’s Riddle using a formal tool. After an enthusiastic response, we decided to make the holiday puzzle an annual event, with a different subject area each year. Our engineering team was challenged to come up with a new topic, and my idea, whi... » read more