Explosion Of Creativity

One of Steve Jobs' great revelations occurred while watching his young daughter use a computer with a graphical user interface. He observed that adults ask how to use a computer, whereas children ask what you can do with it. The semiconductor industry is experiencing one of those seminal moments with the Internet of Things/Internet of Everything. While work continues to ensure that electrons... » read more

M2M And The Internet Of Things

Securing the Internet of Things/Everything (IoT/E) is a bit like herding cats. There are so many elements that will make up the IoT/E, it may seem an insurmountable objective to corral them all into a single stable. By some accounts, we’re on our way toward 200 billion Internet-connected machines by 2020, according to IDC. Soon we will live in a world where automated machine-to-machine (M2M) ... » read more