Road Construction Ahead

A long-running joke in Canada is there are only two seasons—winter and road repair. Dating back from the days of ancient times, roads have united empires. In a more figurative sense, they have made the best corporations better than their competitors. And on a conceptual level, they have linked together theories and concepts that previously had functioned in separate worlds. In SoC d... » read more

Value Shift

System Level Design talks with Tom Quan of TSMC, John Koeter of Synopsys, Kalar Rajendiran of eSilicon and Phil Yastrow of Avago about where the value has shifted in the semiconductor design chain and why. [youtube vid=MvSaHSYDqVQ] » read more

Compression Effect

For all the talk of restricted design and increasing complexity, it seems that what’s really happening is that restrictions are being lifted off one group and placed on another. This happens from time to time in system-level design, usually at an inflection point in the overall system development process or at the start of a new process node. For the past couple decades, much of the crea... » read more

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