Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Automotive/Mobility China may act to rein in its EV market, according a story in Nikkei Asia. The National Development and Reform Commission in China asked for investment and production plans for EV projects over the last five years, which is signal to some industry insiders that the government may regulate some of the industry. Softbank and carmaker Subaru completed a test that used a 5G n... » read more

The Need For Traceability In Auto Chips

Someday your car will drive itself to a repair shop for a recall using a scheduling application that is both efficient and can prioritize which vehicles need to be fixed first. But that's still a ways off. Proactive identification of issues is not yet available. To be ready for that, today’s data analytics systems need to begin supporting targeted recalls, enabling predictive maintenance a... » read more