Experiences Estimating Test Quality And Test Escape Rates

When discussing product quality in integrated circuits (ICs), two key aspects are essential: time zero defects and reliability. These concepts help distinguish between issues that appear immediately after manufacturing and those that occur over time. Understanding these distinctions is critical for ensuring that products meet the quality demands of their respective markets, particularly in h... » read more

One Test Is Not Always Enough

To improve yield, quality, and cost, two separate test parameters can be combined to determine if a part passes or fails. The results gleaned from that approach are more accurate, allowing test and quality engineers to fail parts sooner, detect more test escapes, and ultimately to improve yield and reduce manufacturing costs. New data analytic platforms, combined with better utilization of s... » read more

Chasing Test Escapes In IC Manufacturing

The number of bad chips that slip through testing and end up in the field can be significantly reduced before those devices ever leave the fab, but the cost of developing the necessary tests and analyzing the data has sharply limited adoption. Determining an acceptable test escape metric for an IC is essential to improving the yield-to-quality ratio in chip manufacturing, but what exactly is... » read more