Large Area Process For Atomically Thin 2D Semiconductor, Using Scalable ALD

A new technical paper titled "Large-area synthesis of high electrical performance MoS2  by a commercially scalable atomic layer deposition process" by researchers at the University of Southampton, LMU Munich, and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Abstract: "This work demonstrates a large area process for atomically thin 2D semiconductors to unlock the technological upscale required... » read more

Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography

A new technical paper titled "Edge-Contact MoS2 Transistors Fabricated Using Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography" was published by researchers at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). "Thermal scanning probe lithography (t-SPL) is a gentle alternative to the typically used electron beam lithography to fabricate these devices avoiding the use of electrons, which are well known to... » read more

Brightening Intrinsically Dark Material

New research paper titled "Brightening of a dark monolayer semiconductor via strong light-matter coupling in a cavity," from researchers at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (Germany), University of Iceland, the University of Würzburg (Germany), Friedrich Schiller University (Germany), Arizona State University (USA) and the National Institute for Materials Science in Tsukuba (Japan) a... » read more

Motional narrowing, ballistic transport, and trapping of room-temperature exciton polaritons in an atomically-thin semiconductor

Abstract "Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide crystals (TMDCs) hold great promise for semiconductor optoelectronics because their bound electron-hole pairs (excitons) are stable at room temperature and interact strongly with light. When TMDCs are embedded in an optical microcavity, excitons can hybridise with cavity photons to form exciton polaritons, which inherit useful properties from... » read more

Chipmakers Look To New Materials

Graphene, the wonder material rediscovered in 2004, and a host of other two-dimensional materials are gaining ground in manufacturing semiconductors as silicon’s usefulness begins to fade. And while there are a number of compounds in use already, such as gallium arsenide, gallium nitride, and silicon carbide, those materials generally are being confined to specific niche applications. Tran... » read more