Automotive Functional Safety Compliance In EDA Tools And IP

By Swami Venkat and Meirav Nitzan A modern vehicle can boast as many as 100 million lines of code—that’s more than the Large Hadron Collider (50 million lines) and Facebook (62 million lines). On the hardware side, many of today’s cars have upwards of 100 electronic control units (ECUs) to run various functions. As automotive engineering ingenuity continues to drive further innovation ... » read more

Shifting the Burden of Tool Safety Compliance from Users to Vendor

The security, safety and performances of autonomous vehicles, railways, aerospace, nuclear power plants and medical devices rely on electronic systems and their hardware components. Engineers use advanced software tools to develop complex hardware. Tools may malfunction, generate erroneous output and ultimately introduce or fail to detect systematic hardware faults that could cause hazardous ev... » read more

Demystifying EDA Support For ISO 26262 Tool Qualification

My new, mid-size car is equipped with many advanced driver-assistance systems. To be honest, it’s taking me time to get used to some of them, as, for example, lane-centering assist that seamlessly takes control of my steering wheel. However, I cannot wait to get my hands off a fully autonomous vehicle and be able to take a nap while 7nm chips run machine learning and other artificial intellig... » read more