Research Bits: June 8

Five-second coherence for silicon carbide qubits Researchers from the University of Chicago, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, and Linköping University built a qubit from silicon carbide and was able to retain its coherence, or the length of time the quantum state persists, for over five seconds. “It’s uncommon to have quantum information preserved on these human ... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: June 2

Neuromorphic memristor Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst used protein nanowires to create neuromorphic memristors capable of running at extremely low voltage. A challenge to neuromorphic computing is mimicking the low voltage at which the brain operates: it sends signals between neurons at around 80 millivolts. Jun Yao, an electrical and computer engineering researcher at ... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: May 26

Warmer quantum computing Researchers at the University of New South Wales Sydney, Université de Sherbrooke, Aalto University, and Keio University developed a proof-of-concept quantum processor unit cell on a silicon chip that works at 1.5 Kelvin – 15 times warmer than current chip-based technology that uses superconducting qubits. "This is still very cold, but is a temperature that can b... » read more