Is The IoT Getting Safer?

The Internet of Things as we know has been in use in some form or another for at least a decade, but it is only in the past several years that it has achieved enough success that security has become an overriding issue. The fact that breaches are no longer shocking is a sign that attacks are becoming more common. Only the biggest and baddest hacks raise eyebrows, like today's hack of Germany... » read more

Tech Talk: 5G

Mike Fitton, senior director of strategic planning at Achronix, talks about the new wireless standard, which will make its debut at the Winter Olympics, when it will go mainstream, and what kinds of technical issues need to be addressed to make that happen. » read more

5G Makes Its Public Debut At The Winter Games

We have been spending considerable time and effort with our customers deep in the development of technology that will enable next-generation communications. Work on 5G technology has been underway for several years now-long before the general public will experience its amazing capabilities. So when will this next-generation technology be ready? You'll get a first look next month at the Winte... » read more