The CEO Outlook Returns

Trends, opportunities, danger signs, and the future of semiconductor design.


One of the more popular events hosted by the EDA Consortium (EDAC, to those in the know) was the CEO Forecast held at the start of each year. It was phased out several years ago for a number of reasons, including logistics and scheduling. Attendance was never one of them.

As I took the reins of EDAC two years ago, I repeatedly heard how much that evening was missed. Members and non-members had a chance to learn first-hand about the market trends from industry leaders, and meet other executives in a smaller forum and mingle with them. And, just maybe, get the chance to ask a burning question or two.

Once EDAC became the ESD (for the Electronic System Design) Alliance and the charter expanded, it became obvious that an evening with the leaders of our industry was a missing component of our programs and initiatives. That’s why I’m personally pleased to announce the 2017 CEO Outlook. Moderated by the estimable Ed Sperling, editor-in-chief of this online Semiconductor Engineering, it will be held Thursday, April 6, from 6:30 p.m. until 8:45 p.m. at Synopsys in Mountain View, Calif.

Attendees will have a chance to hear from four of the system design ecosystem’s most visible CEOs who will offer brief opening statements about the future of the industry. They will be asked to share their views on trends and identify potential opportunities, as well as any danger signs ahead. And, audience members will have an opportunity to ask questions during an interactive audience-driven Q&A session.

The four panelists are:

• Aart de Geus, CEO at Synopsys
• Lip-Bu Tan, president and CEO of Cadence
• ARM’s CEO Simon Segars
• Wally Rhines, chairman and CEO of Mentor Graphics

Our moderator, Ed Sperling, has covered the EDA, IP and semiconductor industry for many years and continues to do so with Semiconductor Engineering. He is knowledgeable on many of the system design ecosystem’s most important fronts, including business, technology and methodologies. With Ed steering the discussion, attendees can expect an informative and insightful panel discussion. And, just maybe, we’ll get a surprise or two.

The evening, open free of charge to all ESD Alliance member companies, should be unforgettable. A private reception for ESD Alliance members only to network with speakers will begin at 5:30 p.m. Non-members are invited to attend for a fee of $25. Please register today because seating is limited. Dinner and drinks will be provided. More details and registration information can be found here.

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