Week 32: So Many Good Proposals

This year may have set a record for submitted content.


On Monday we had our marathon conference call to review all invited content – that is, special sessions in EDA, embedded, automotive, and security, as well as panels and tutorials. Wow! I was blown away, and it seems we must have a record year for submitted content. I counted 27 submissions just for tutorials, a niche part of DAC (though an important one at that). There is a DAC record for embedded submissions, too. “It clearly is the blogging,” I told my colleagues on the executive committee regarding the volume of submissions. Humor aside, whatever your motivation, we are thrilled by the material that’s poured in.

Back to the conference call. The subcommittees and the executive committee now have the hard job to choose the proposals we consider best for the 52nd DAC. It’s been a rather difficult task as both the quantity and quality are really high this year.

We are now working to finalize all invited content by Feb. 4, when some of us will be meeting in Houston for the Technical Program Committee meeting. By that time I can start blogging more specifically about the compelling content we are offering this year. It also means that by then I need to close on the keynotes, the SKY talks and the pavilion content. We have about 50% of the SKY talks locked in now. So if you have a super cool idea for a SKY talk, you’d better hurry and drop me a note.

Speaking of urgency, we have one more content deadline looming – Jan. 20 for the designer and IP tracks. There is still time for you to be part of the 2015 program. Why don’t you check out the videos we did with Michael (Mac) McNamara and Dan Bourke to find out more about these tracks? And feel free to contact Mac or Dan directly.

Enjoy the new DAC TV and as usual, if you have any comments and ideas, contact me. I promise to get back to you. And don’t forget to submit to the designer and IP track – all I want for my birthday this year is a record in designer and IP track submissions.

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