The Week In Review: IoT

ARM buys Simulity; Intel cuts IoT jobs; IoT integration market.


Mergers and Acquisitions
ARM has acquired Simulity Labs, an Internet of Things security firm in the United Kingdom, for about $15.2 million, a small part of which is held back for a year subject to certain conditions. Foresight Group, a private equity firm, acquired Simulity eight months ago for around $5.2 million, making a handsome profit on the transaction. Simulity provides embedded operating system software and related server systems for SIM cards and embedded SIMs, enabling secure network connections for IoT devices.

ARM CEO Simon Segars posted a blog this week entitled The Path to a Trillion Connected Devices. Nearly a year after the company started talking to SoftBank Group about a potential acquisition, Segars now has a seat on the SoftBank board of directors. He looks forward to the future of artificial intelligence and the IoT in the post.

Intel’s Internet of Things Group is in line for a headcount reduction, with 97 people being laid off at corporate headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif., and up to 40 jobs being made redundant in Ireland. The moves come after the chipmaker said it would discontinue its Edison, Galileo, and Joule development boards for IoT projects.

The Internet of Things Solutions World Congress is scheduled for October 3-5 at Fira de Barcelona’s Gran Via venue in Barcelona, Spain. There are eight tracks in the Congress program, for blockchain, buildings and infrastructure, connected transport, health care, manufacturing, open industry, quantum computing, and utilities.

Market Research
MarketsandMarkets forecasts the worldwide IoT integration market will increase from $759.5 million this year to more than $3.3 billion by 2022, for a compound annual growth rate of 34.2%. Its report is available here.

Research and Markets has published Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing in Communications, Applications, and Commerce: AI in Internet of Things (IoT), Data Analytics, and Virtual Private Assistants 2017-2022.

The China Telecom Open IoT Platform is now available, providing a way for enterprises to quickly deploy and manage IoT devices. The platform is powered by Ericsson’s worldwide Device Connection Platform. China Telecom and Ericsson reached an agreement last year about collaborating on IoT products, technology, and services.

Sunnyvale, Calif.-based Agylytyx has introduced the Agylytyx Generator IoT platform, part of the company’s Construct Library. The Generator is said to aggregate and present IoT data in a decision-ready format. Agylytyx focuses on industrial process data.

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