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Combining CMOS IC And MEMS Design For IoT Edge Devices

Creating a sensor-based IoT edge device is challenging, due to the multiple design domains involved. But, creating an edge device that combines the electronics using the traditional CMOS IC flow and a MEMS sensor on the same silicon die can seem impossible. For many years, Tanner has provided customers the ability to interweave MEMS design into this flow, supporting a top-down MEMS IC fl... » read more

Deep Space Design Considerations

The linchpin technology in a deep space telescope is the ability to efficiently convert analog image sensor data into digital data in order to beam home high-resolution images of astronomical objects. The analog-to-digital converters (ADC) must perform flawlessly once deployed, because it is not feasible to drive out 1 million miles into space to fix any problems. The next-generation success... » read more

Raising The IQ Of Your MEMS-Based IC Design Flow

By Nicolas Williams and Qi Jing Internet of Things (IoT) applications depend on smart objects that interact with the real world. So your IoT project is likely to contain ICs that integrate micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), such as accelerometers, pressure sensors, motors, and microphones that acquire data for analysis. These projects are finding their way into automobiles, phones, and... » read more