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Add Security And Supply Chain Trust To Your ASIC Or SoC with eFPGAs

Before Covid-induced supply chain issues affected semiconductor availability and lead times, concerns about counterfeit parts and trusted supply chains were becoming the subject of many articles and discussions affecting critical data centers, communications, public infrastructure, and facilities such as regional power plants and the grid. Today’s semiconductor design and manufacturing is com... » read more

Building One Interface Subsystem For Multiple IoT SoCs

When designing SoCs for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, designers quickly realize that their most efficient use of resources will result in chips that can address multiple end applications. Consumer products require connectivity or edge devices, and networking or enterprise companies are broadening their reach to home networking and cloud services, like remote processing, that complement... » read more

Interface IP Subsystems Speed TTM

Interface protocol specifications start out simply, handling off-chip communication for SoCs. As more companies get involved in the specifications, each company adds features to address their market segments. Each new version of the protocol specification offers new features and increased speed, and the protocols are often overhauled to work at higher speeds and improve performance for applicat... » read more