Systems & Design

Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with ADS Python Automation

Three automation use cases for expanded transforming modern RF and high-speed design.


Three automation use cases for expanded Keysight ADS Python APIs transforming modern RF and high-speed design include:

Use Case 1 – Python for Personal Productivity: One advantage of Python is its easy accessibility to entry-level programmers.  Python is an interpreted language that is free and widely supported on Windows and Linux, is expandable to many domains with plug-ins, and allows immediate corrections for debugging.  In many cases 10 lines of code can replace elaborate procedures using the ADS Graphical User Interface (GUI), saving a lot of time. Even though it is very accessible, Python can also be very powerful and be used in structured ways with formalized tool chains, making it very scalable for workgroups.  Anyone from PA designers to technicians can learn Python quickly and now have a variety of ways of running their code with ADS.

User Case 2 – Python for Enterprise Automation: Organizations with larger design teams have additional opportunities for design automation and product lifecycle management.  They use professional software development tools and can afford to invest in custom EDA applications and workflows.  These increase design efficiency, speed the workgroup’s time to market, and formalize IP processes for greater traceability and re-use, plus a host of other functions. They also connect EDA results into formal Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems and databases, which interact with enterprise supply chain, manufacturing, compliance, and other functions.

Use Case 3 – Python for Exploring AI/ML: ADS Python automation lays a foundation for implementing the next generation of high-value design tools using AI/ML that promise to transform our industries.

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