Bird’s Eye View on Tensilica Vision DSPs

Optimized implementation of the Bird’s Eye View functionality on the Vision 240 and Vision 341 DSPs.


The increasing use of cameras in automotive advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) has resulted in a greater demand for the capability and performance of vision applications. This demand requires sophisticated vision processing algorithms and powerful digital signal processors (DSPs) to run them. Because of the limited power and cost budgets of these embedded systems, it is important that the DSP’s instruction set architecture (ISA) is efficient and easy to program.

This paper overviews the Xtensa Bird’s Eye View (BEV) function version 1.0.0. The primary purpose of this paper is to examine the BEV or 360-degree view from a car. We mount four fish-eye cameras on a car’s front, left, back, and right sides and input four fish-eye images to the BEV function. The BEV function will produce a bird’s eye view output. This bird’s eye view helps to see objects in the “blind spot,” parking in tight spaces, and is useful in ADAS applications. BEV also helps in driving heavy vehicles safely.

Read more here.

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