Blog Review: April 12

Automotive SoC features; PCB design, manufacturing collaboration; cloud-based simulation; automotive virtualization; boosting Ethernet speeds.


Cadence’s Ericles Sousa describes the five critical features of automotive SoC architectures that are essential for developing the next generation of passenger vehicles.

In a podcast, Siemens’ Steph Chavez chats with Gerry Partida of Summit Interconnect about the difficulties in collaboration between PCB designers and manufacturers, along with best practices that designers should follow to reduce the risk of their design being rejected and increase board yield.

Synopsys’ Meghana Bellumori considers some of the barriers in adopting cloud-based simulation, including assembling enough information to characterize what capacity uplift is required and how to justify moving workloads to the cloud.

Arm’s Alexandre Romana argues that virtualization is necessary to handle the rapidly increasing amount of software in cars and address the growing demands for in-vehicle customized features and capabilities, but not all solutions are suitable for a given use case.

Keysight’s Ben Miller considers at the innovations required to increase Ethernet speeds from 400 Gb/s (400G) to 800G and 1.6 Tb/s (1.6T) to meet the high demands of emerging technologies, including increasing lane data rates through faster switch silicon SerDes, forward error correction to improve signal integrity, and power-efficient optical modules.

Rambus’ Mark Orthodoxou points to some of the biggest system-level memory challenges faced today and why CXL will revolutionize the data center.

Ansys’ Stefan Thoene explains key aspects of lightguides, pipelike optical structures that can be used to bring light from one point to another with minimum light loss and are increasingly used in the automotive illumination market.

Renesas’ Christian Meyer argues for gas sensors with more precise detection of total volatile organic compounds, a key component of indoor air quality.

SEMI’s Cassandra Melvin shares discussions from ISS Europe about sustainability in semiconductor manufacturing as well as the role of diversity and inclusion in workforce recruitment.

Verification blogger Neil Johnson takes a shot at explaining to friends and family what it is that a verification engineer does.

Plus, check out the blogs featured in the latest Automotive, Security & Pervasive Computing and Test, Measurement & Analytics newsletters:

Winbond’s Adrian Cosoroaba warns that current embedded flash solutions pose significant security risks to vehicles.

Synopsys’ Dana Neustadter and Brett Murdock contend that DDR security strategies should enable ongoing adaptation to an evolving threat ecosystem.

Rambus’ Bart Stevens explains how to ask the right questions to ensure the best protection from a root of trust.

Siemens EDA’s Lee Harrison illustrates how system visibility brings lifecycle management to SoCs.

Arteris’ Frank Schirrmeister advises getting earlier but reliable estimates on timing to reduce the overall project schedule.

Riscure’s Jasper van Woudenberg looks at testing AI source code analysis by feeding it a C file with many known vulnerabilities.

Flex Logix’s Geoff Tate shows the importance of using embedded FPGAs to support dozens of variations and kinds of GPIO interface protocols.

Cadence’s Veena Parthan compares model tests of a patrol ship’s hull with computational fluid dynamics.

Onto Innovation’s Melvin Lee explains how to predict final test yield of wafers at the OSAT using machine learning.

Synopsys’ Rahul Singhal and Likith Kumar Manchukonda show how to achieve a balance between test power and pattern count.

Advantest’s Dave Armstrong explains how AI-driven tools and broad-based data sharing will streamline structural and functional test selection.

Teradyne’s Tom Chambers highlights increased complexity and resolution as compounding challenges for image sensor testing.

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