Blog Review: June 15

Single-use battery chemistries; shifting linting left; AI cans and can’ts; debug weeding; real-time automotive.


Ansys’ Vidyu Challa considers common primary, or single-use, battery chemistries and how they affect that many important cell properties, such as energy density, flammability and safety, available cell constructions, temperature range, and shelf life.

Synopsys’ Rimpy Chugh and Rohit Kumar Ohlayan discuss some of the challenges arising from static linting of code, shifting linting left in the design process, managing rule sets, and what to do about dead code.

Cadence’s Paul McLellan listens in on a keynote from Google’s Laurence Moroney to find out the basics of AI, what it can and can’t do, and a particularly promising application with a big social impact.

Siemens EDA’s Rich Edelman finds that in debug, as in weeding, a sharper tool is better and shares a focused way to trace backwards in time and space to find drivers.

Arm’s Bernhard Rill examines how zonal architectures are being used to improve real-time capabilities in automotive design as ADAS grows increasingly sophisticated.

Coventor’s Arnaud Parent introduces MEMS-based gravimeters, instruments that can detect small changes in gravity, that are smaller, cheaper, and highly sensitive, enabling applications such as drone-mounted measurement.

Riscure’s Marc Witteman considers how the convenience of a phone retaining limited functionality in low power modes and when turned off balances against the potential vulnerabilities in NFC payment and Bluetooth tracking.

Lam Research’s Krishnan Shrinivasan looks back at the development of 3D transistors and flash memory as well as continued adoption of 3D packaging.

A Rambus writer breaks down the six levels of driving automation as defined by SAE International and what automakers are reading for higher levels of automation.

Nvidia’s Jochen Papenbrock and Mostly AI’s Alexandra Ebert consider the importance of explainable AI models, particularly for financial applications such as credit risk scoring, and how synthetic data can be used to train AI models without compromising the privacy of customers.

SEMI’s Serena Brischetto chats with Jens Fabrowsky of Bosch about what it would take to increase European fab capacity and make the region more resilient and argues that it’s not just cutting-edge nodes required, but those for automotive and MEMS as well.

Read more blogs from the latest Low Power-High Performance, Test, Measurement & Analytics, and Auto, Security & Pervasive Computing newsletters:

Fraunhofer IIS’ Oliver Gnepper shows how to effectively involve process experts in developing and interpreting machine learning models.

Verification expert Lauro Rizzatti talks with Siemens’ Jean-Marie Brunet about the discrepancy between estimated pre-silicon dynamic power consumption and actual power dissipated by the manufactured SoC.

Rambus’ Emma-Jane Crozier explains how to transport an increasing number of pixels over current display interfaces without compromising quality.

Synopsys’ Jian Yang spells out steps for achieving optimal RF designs while minimizing turnaround time.

Cadence’s Paul McLellan examines low-level hardware acceleration APIs for 3D graphics, parallel computation, and safety-critical markets.

Ansys’ Marion Blanc previews how electronic analysis and simulation tools can solve 3D-IC and 5nm challenges.

Onto Innovation’s Woo Young Han shows why hybrid bonding relies on high-precision defect inspection, planarity measurement, and void detection.

Synopsys’ Ramsay Allen recounts how the team tracked temperature and voltage changes in Arm’s Morello project SoC.

Advantest’s Doug Lefever explains why test flows that happen throughout the lifecycle of the device need to be flexible.

Teradyne’s Tucker Davis discusses the growing demand for scan and the need for new DFT approaches as individual transistors become complex 3D structures.

KLA’s Carolyn Short dives into higher resolution, brightness, and refresh rate for both tiny and very large screens.

Siemens EDA’s Richard Pugh digs into the growing need for data security in the PCI Express protocol and how to address it with virtual ICE.

Cadence’s Anne-Marie Schelkens recounts how Renault used CFD to optimize thermal sub-systems of vehicles in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

Rambus’ Rocky Zhang details the cipher algorithms and modes that can be used to protect data stored in and accessed from memory.

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