Blog Review: March 16

Sensing in snow; random hardware faults; SW drives HW; multithreaded programming.


Ansys’ Peter Hallschmid and Sandra Gely look at why, compared to rain and fog, snow is a different challenging environment for automotive sensors and how the random pattern of snowfall, properties of each flake, and the various distance between flakes play havoc on detecting objects.

Siemens’ Chuck Battikha focuses on how to protect against random hardware faults, the added costs of including safety mechanisms, and why it’s important to develop a safety strategy early in a project to balance the necessary protection with cost.

Synopsys’ Mike Gianfagna considers how the technology landscape has changed as software now drives the requirements and development of hardware, and how blending software and hardware design will be the next big shift.

Cadence’s Veena Parthan looks to a multitude of factors needed to make electric vehicles more attractive, including more EV charging stations, better aerodynamics, and improved batteries.

Arm’s Samuel Parker-Haynes examines multithreading programming with the Armv8 memory model and how to support sequential consistency for data-race free programs efficiently.

Renesas’ Marta Martínez Vázquez considers automotive radar and how to increase the accuracy of the detection, focusing on the field of view, and the range and angular resolution.

In a video, VLSI Research’s Dan Hutcheson chats with Ajit Manocha of SEMI about workforce development and meeting the challenge of the talent shortage in the semiconductor industry.

Memory analyst Jim Handy looks at the recent material contamination that impacted the joint-venture NAND manufacturing facilities of Western Digital and Kioxia.

Applied Materials’ Sundeep Bajikar examines what’s driving the increase in NAND wafer fab equipment intensity with the transition from 2D to 3D architectures.

Plus, catch up on the blogs featured in the latest Low Power-High Performance newsletter:

Arm’s Remy Pottier examines new architectures that hold promise for low power and distributed AI.

Siemens EDA’s Harry Foster presents three pillars of a methodology that focuses on bug prevention.

Fraunhofer IIS EAS’ Christoph Sohrmann advises that the development of automotive sensors cannot take place in isolation from the overall system.

Ansys’ Jon Kordell shows how reliability physics analysis can shorten the qualification process when forced to swap components or suppliers.

Rambus’ Joseph Rodriguez observes that modern cars need increasing amounts of bandwidth, but without adding undue cabling weight.

Synopsys’ Samad Parekh and Nvidia’s Srinivas Kodiyalam find that increasingly large and complex SoCs put pressure on traditional CPU-based circuit simulation.

Infineon’s Weidong Chu shows how to avoid common noise coupling issues in layouts for high-current, fast-switching circuits.

Cadence’s Paul McLellan points out that enough power may not be available in some areas to run electronic systems.

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